RoIP Mission-Critical Communication

//RoIP Mission-Critical Communication
RoIP Mission-Critical Communication 2017-10-24T21:09:49+00:00

Project Description

RoIP or Radio over IP is Zetron’s next generation network for mission-critical communication gear. For reliability IP systems can be designed for multiple redundancies, especially by spoofing Ethernet switches with ARP packets. This can allow seamless failover of voice calls over IP devices.

Zetron, a subsidiary of JVC Kenwood Corporation, designs mission-critical communications solutions for public safety, transportation, utilities, and manufacturing throughout the world. They have an office in Stafford, Brisbane, Australia with a great engineering team led by Mark Demuth.

At Zetron I had the opportunity to learn professional engineering design, about IP and radio communication systems and far too much about dark secrets of the Linux ethernet stack.


Project Details

Skills Needed:
