Uni Teaching

/Uni Teaching
Uni Teaching 2017-10-24T21:09:49+00:00

I enjoy helping people to achieve. In the university system I’ve been able to help students develop their engineering, research and communication skills.

Postgraduate teaching

I have been part of the advisory team for the following postgradute students.


Gavin Taylor (as associate advisor) – Investigating visually guided flight behaviour of honeybees in a virtual-reality flight arena

Owen Bawden (as primary advisor) – Design of a Lightweight, Modular Robotic Vehicle for the Sustainable Intensification of Broadacre Agriculture

Patrick Ross (as primary advisor) – Vision-based obstacle detection in field environments

Scott Heath (as associate advisor) – Evolving spatial and temporal lexicons across different cognitive architectures

In progress

Andrew English (as primary advisor) – Vision-based guidance and localisation in field environments.

Undergraduate teaching

I’ve taught the following units.

ENB329 – Mechatronics Project 2

In this unit each student team builds a mobile robot capable of competing in the RoboCup small size league (F180). The unit covers a wide range of topics including smart phone development, path planning/obstacle avoidance, computer vision, mechanical and electrical design. This is a rather fun unit to teach and for the students. There aren’t many units where the students start working on their assignments before the semester starts. Perhaps the most interesting part (for me at least) is the communication lecture which uses, among other material, Covey’s “How to Win Friends and Influence People”.

As part of the unit each team puts together a video highlighting their project some of which have been made public. Here is an incomplete list.




ENB458/ENN580 – Modern Control Systems

I co-taught this unit with Peter Corke. We covered State Space modelling, controller and observer design, optimal control and discrete control. In the practicals the students designed a parallel elastic actuator and an inverted pendulum mobile robot.

METR3800 – Mechatronics Project 2

I helped out Ben Upcroft with this unit where we taught the students how to build a mobile robot. The students built robots that could compete in the RoboCup junior soccer competition.

METR4202 – Advanced Control and Robotics

In this unit I covered robotic concepts such as forward and inverse kinematics, velocity and control, and path and trajectory control as well as control techniques such as frequency response and state space modelling, controller and observer design. In this unit the students designed a serial elastic actuator and built a robot arm that could follow a path while avoiding obstacles.

Undergraduate Projects

I have officially and unofficially supervised many undergraduate theses and projects. Here is a list. Let me know if I have forgotten anyone!


Daniel Richards – User interface for an agricultural multi-robot system


Jasmin James – Energy efficient legged locomotion

Luke Asgill

Greg van der Merwe – Evaluation of robotics applications using a Smartphone

Mirren King-Smith – Electromechanical design and Analysis of a Robotic Leg Joint with Variable Stiffness

Ryan Wake – Mechanical design of a lightweight leg system


Kyran Findlater – Energy Efficient Light Source for Mobile Robotics


Patrick Ross – Energy Efficient Actuation for a Controllable Stiffness Monoped

Ricky Chow –

Angus Cummings –

James Wall – “Riding Kangaroos to Work” Biologically Inspired Energy Efficient Robot Locomotion


Nickolas Calver – Detecting Proximity and Texture using a Biomimetic Whisker system

Jessica Wrigley – Hybrid Passive Dynamic Hind Leg Design for a Bio-inspired Quadrupedal Rat Robot

Hilton Bristow – GPU accelerated Appearance Based SLAM

Daniel Clarke – Monocular Vision Based Obstacle Avoidance

Shao-Kuang Fang (William) – Robot Local Navigation

YeHua Hsu (Mike) – Robotic Docking Station: An Autonomous Charging System


Joel McGrath – Omni Robot – Omni Vision System

Ezra Zigenbine – Omni Robot – Drive and Sensor System

Kieran Wynn – Omni Robot – Docking and Power System

Chris Lehnert – A Continuous Isotropic Spherical Omnidirectional Drive System

Scott Heath – Interactive web interface for robots

Marcel Giermanski – Gold Code based Ultrasonic Obstacle Detection System

Ryan Wong – A Digital Wireless Neural Recording System

Gavin Taylor – Environment replication for insects


Below were unofficial associate supervisions during my PhD.


Monte Macdiarmid – Intelligent Offence for an Autonomous Robot Soccer Team (travelled to RoboCup)

Michael Graham – Intelligence System

Stephen Nuske – Vision System (travelled to RoboCup)

Adam Kerr – Motion Control

John Clair – Kicker Redesign for the 2004 RoboRoos Team


Issac Linnet – Motion Control

Leighton Carr – Vision System (travelled to RoboCup)

Joanna Wu – Vision System

Doug Turk – Electrical System


Jason Hirsch – High Speed Spread Spectrum Communication

Chris Nolan – Enhancements to a Global Vision System for F180 League Robotic Soccer